We have put measures in place to keep you safe & comfortable at Soteria  – Sterilising tools & equipment in advance, and between appointments to minimise any infections risk. We thoroughly cleanse & prepare your lashes further minimising any infection risk. By using the smallest amounts of bonding-adhesive, we prevent uncomfortable unhygienic clumps & minimise irritation. For specialist Before & After-care guidance, or  if you have any question, you can Contact-Us


Before Your Appointment

  1. Remove eye-makeup before your appointment using an oil-free cleanser, residual makeup interferes with proper application of the extensions. Avoid mascara, this consuming time, to remove.
  2. Do not apply creams, sunblock, serums or oil, near the eye area after cleansing. Oil prevents eyelash adhesive from bonding properly, reducing the longevity of your lashes.
  3. Do not curl your lashes before your appointment, it interferes with the eyelash-extensions bonding properly to your natural lashes.
  4. Aim to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment, if you were unable to remove eye-make up in advance, as this is time-consuming, and takes time away from you actual application.


After Your Appointment

  1. Remove all eye-makeup using an oil free makeup remover. If taking off eyeliner, use a cotton bud tip dipped in makeup-remover, and wipe this across your lid, not towards your eyelashes. Avoid cotton-pads because they shed too much cotton which sticks to your lash-extensions.
  2. To make the cleansing process easier, we advise first removing foundation and lipstick, prior to washing your eyes, ensuring to avoid oily products
  3. To wash your lashes wet them with lukewarm water, lathering the water + cleansing foam together (or simple facewash gel). Lather gently onto your lashes, stroking them in a downwards position (best with a soft brush); spending approx. 10 secs. per eye.
  4. Now you are ready rinse off the foam wash, ensuring to rinse away the foam well & to gently dab your lashes dry.
  5. Once your lashes are completely dry, starting from the ends with an eyelash-brush very gently brush & separate them.
  6. You should wash your lashes at least 3 times per week to prevent the risk of blepharitis

Top Tips

  1. Be gentle with your lashes, avoid rubbing, pulling, or sweat generating activities; steam or water for the first 24 hours. If you experience any discomfort, you can splash them with cold water + dab gently dry.
  2. If you insist on mascara, only use water-based mascara but do not apply any mascara directly onto the roots. Do not use mascara at all on Hybrid or Russian lash-extensions, because this can cause them to stick together.
  3. To cleanse your lashes, we recommend a foaming wash cleanser (oil-free) &  avoid lash curlers, lash-perms or other chemical treatments & avoid oily products directly on the lashes Inc. sunscreen or mascara.
  4. Avoid pulling or laying directly on your lashes, if  your struggling to adapt the the first few nights, wash them a couple of times to alleviates any stiff sensation. However, if you still feel uncomfortable contact us to have them removed without charge.
  5. Brush your lashes daily to keep them tangle-free with a lash brush & attend regular appointments. Use a foaming cleanser to remove makeup & dead skin-cells preventing any build-up of bacteria.

Facts & Questions


Is there any downtime?

There is no down time required following eyelash-extensions treatment. However, we advise to avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, sunbeds, steam rooms, hot baths or power showers – for 24 hours after your appointment.

Can I get my lashes Wet?

Fortunately, wetting lashes isn’t one of something you need to avoid. After the adhesive has settled, your lashes become predominantly waterproof. Many clients misinterpret, the aftercare instruction to ‘not to wet your eyelashes for 24 hours’, means not wash them.

This is certainly not the case, as lashes must get wet in order to clean them. Appropriate cleansing minimises any risks of irritation, and infections. Whilst keeping your lashes to lasting as long, as possible. Unfortunately, insufficient cleaning of both your lashes & eyelids can reduce your eyelashes retention time.

What happens if I don’t wash my lashes?

A risk of not adhering to sufficient lash or eyelid hygiene, is developing an inflamed eyelid. Blepharitis, is caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells around the lash-line causing itchiness, and in turn scratching, leading to cracking on the skins surface attracting bacteria. Leading to increased redness & inflammation.

Any resultant infection, is generally low-grade and easily treated with over-the-counter eyes drops and topical creams. However, at first sight it may seem alarming, particularly if you think your experiencing an allergic reaction. Fortunately, with proper lash-extensions cleansing + an OTC treatment the symptoms subside.

Cam I swim with eyelash extensions?

It is essential to avoid swimming for at least 24-hours after your lashes have been applied. After this, you can go swimming, but we recommend strongly to wear eye goggles. This is because prolonged water exposure can soften the bonding adhesive and cause your roots to become sticky, which will harden again, but may prove difficult to separate each eyelash afterwards.

Can I wet my lash-extensions in the shower?

Yes, it is very important to wash your lashes, and getting them wet is not an issue within reason, as the adhesive is waterproof. However, it is imperative to be aware this does not apply to prolonged soaking e.g., swimming/ bathing, which is not great for maintaining the structural bonds of the eyelash-adhesive. Power showers can be a little too powerful for eyelash extensions, disrupting their shape, we suggest not to position your eyes directly beneath them; instead use your hands to splash the water into your eyes.

Eyelash extensions are generally very safe, however, if you have any past experience, of an allergic reaction to lash-bonding adhesives, or eyelash-extensions, you’ll require a one-to-one consultation to discuss safer options. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange a treatment until you have a consultation to explore the issue further.

Are there any side effects of Eye Lashes?

Eyelash extensions for safety reasons, should not be used on clients with severe allergies, please tell us without delay if you have any past medical history of allergies, particularly anaphylaxis. Consultations are offer an opportunity to discuss any ideas, concerns or expectations, you may have, and wish to discuss prior to your treatment appointment.

Are there contra-indications to eyelash-extensions?

Unfortunately, we cannot apply any eyelash extensions to individuals with a past medical history of anaphylaxis. ‘As this is unfortunately a major contra-indication. If you require further advice, we recommend speaking with your general practitioner to receive professional medical advice.

How long will my new lashes last?

SOTERIA eyelash-extensions predominantly last until your natural lashes reach peak growth and shed. It is common to lose some lashes throughout your wear, you may notice this occur when washing your lashes, alongside natural shedding over time. This is to be expected with any lash technique; this is not typically an obvious gap with individual lashes. However, with volume lashes losing just a couple of fans may leave a detectable gap, that require refilling.

What if my eyes sting afterwards?

Any  transient stingy sensation during the application, should have quickly subsided as your eyes water (a natural response) to dissipate the discomfort. You should always make your technician aware if you are experiencing ‘any’ prolonged discomfort, so they can monitor you after the application. Rinse your eyes with cool water, without rubbing them, avoid adding any products, until you have sought advice. Contact-Us