From lashes to facials, whichever service you choose, our highly skilled technicians & aestheticians, will ensure you receive the very best
Each and every service we provide entails the very finest quality materials & highest standards of service, with competitive prices that never compromise on quality
Our selection of stylish lash-styles are amongst the best in the industry, after years perfecting our skills, to provide safe & long-lasting eyelash extensions
Our team is dedicated to creating a sleek, welcoming sanctuary environment where you will receive nothing less than VIP service on each and every visit

Frequently Asked Qestions

Eyes define the face and are one of the first things a person will notice about your appearance, eyelash extensions make the eyes appear, wider, more defined and brighter. With the potential to disguise the effects of aging around the eye area.

Clients sometimes tend to compare to other people’s lash-extensions, when formulating expectations prior to their treatment.  However, the actual resulting volume genuinely is multifactorial –

  1. How many natural eyelashes you had to begin with.
  2. Which styles you choose e.g., Hybrid have much more volume vs. Classic style.
  3. How short were your natural eyelashes, the effects are more obvious on short or thin eyelashes.
  4. If you would like to find out more information, please book a consultation  – Book Online

Your natural lash baseline (no. of eyelashes) determines how many eyelashes-extensions ‘can’ be applied, typically this is between 60 to 110. However, it is the style you select when booking your appointment that determines how many eyelash-extensions are ‘applied’ during your appointment e.g., classic-style has approx. 50 lash-extensions per-eye, whilst Soteria-Style fits approx. 100-110, with Russian lashes & Hybrid lashes equally having the maximum number of eyelash-extensions included in every fresh full-set. The difference compared between Russian & Hybrids, is how we use lash-fans only with Russian-style whilst Hybrid-style has a 50:50 ratio  of lash-fans & individual lashes.

SOTERIAlashes  predominantly last until your natural lashes reach peak growth & fall out. It is common to lose some lashes throughout your wear, you may notice this occur when washing your lashes, alongside natural shedding over time. This is to be expected with any lash technique; this is not typically an obvious gap with individual lashes. However, with volume lashes losing just a couple of fans may leave a detectable gap, that require refilling. In summary,  lash-extensions typically last 4-6 weeks, depending on the style selected; adhesive strength, after-care adherence & condition of your natural lashes.

Costs typically vary from the lowest cost being applied to a classic-style half set, whilst the highest cost is for Russian and Hybrid lashes; not because of a difference in quality, both are equally high-quality lashes and materials, but due to the extra time and quantity of materials needed to achieve the completed style. SOTERIAlash display all costs on our website, to ensure transparency, and to support clients in making the best choice for them. We also offer packages for our regular clients e.g., buy 3 half or full sets and get the 3rd set half price. Check out our Prices to weigh up the options.

Eyelash extensions application should be a comfortable process free from any pain. The only slight discomfort during the application process, or immediately afterwards, can be a mild stinging sensation – This is normally caused when clients open their eyes slightly during the application, exposing them to fumes from the lash-adhesive, that’s typically a very transient sensation, and quickly subsides as the eyes respond by watering (a natural response) to dissipate the fumes & discomfort. Make your technician aware if you experience any discomfort, so they can monitor you.

SOTERIAlash, uses the highest quality faux mink (also known as synthetic lash fibres) Or premium Silk lashes in our work; specifically, we do not use real mink fur. The quality of our mink-eyelashes imitates real mink fur, feeling light to wear with a glossy appearance, that makes them difficult to distinguish from natural lashes.

Soteria only work with the safest certified lash bonding adhesives & eyelash materials, with a proven track record for safety. Our lash technicians were professionally trained at the prestigious Jinny-lash training academy. You can feel reassured our technicians are lash pros, with years of practical hands-on experience in the industry, fully certified & insured to perform eyelash extensions. However, it is always vitally important to discuss any possible sign of a side effect following your eyelash application with us, so we ensure you have the best form of support & after-care.

Eyelash extensions for safety reasons, should not be used on clients with severe allergies, please tell us without delay if you have any past medical history of allergies, particularly anaphylaxis. Your consultation is a great time to discuss any ideas, concerns or expectations you have. Alternatively, you can call us to seek advice – Contact-Us

Eyelash extensions are generally very safe for most people – However, if you have any past experience, of an allergic reaction to lash-bonding adhesives, faux mink eyelashes or silk eyelashes; you will need to book a one-to-one consultation to discuss safer options. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange a treatment until you have a consultation to explore this issue further – Contact-Us

Unfortunately, we cannot apply any eyelash extensions to individuals with a past medical history of anaphylaxis. This is unfortunately a major contra-indication. If you require further advice, we recommend speaking with your general practitioner to receive professional medical advice.

There are several measures we put into place to keep you safe and comfortable at SOTERIAlash

  • We sterilise tools & equipment in advance, to minimise any infections risk.
  • We thoroughly cleanse + prepare your lashes to further minimise infection risk.
  • We use very small & thin amounts of bonding-adhesive, to prevent uncomfortable clumps, and minimise irritation risk.
  • We use the softest premium quality faux Mink or Silk lashes, for both comfort & quality.
  • We provide a blanket & play calming music during the process, to ensure a calm & relaxing environment for our clients.
  • If you would like to find out more information, please book a consultation with one of our lash-specialistsBook Online

Eye Lashes can be applied in different lengths & volumes to different sections of your lash-line, which enables the potential to create new styles. Their ability to enhance; define, extend and volumize your natural eyelashes; whilst maintaining a natural texture, is non-comparable to wearing mascara alone. Furthermore, eyelash-extensions prove to be rather effective in minimizing the signs of eye-ageing. lash-extensions: Add length, volume and texture to natural lashes. that can be worn short or long term. Facial Features: With a choice of styles, along with our eyelash-mapping process we can ensure to deliver results that are compatible with your facial features.

Effects on Aging Eyes:

  • Eyelash extensions open + brighten the eyes.
  • They have a lifting effect which makes fine lines less obvious.
  • With lash-mapping, longer lashes help disguise drooping eyelids

Due to our experience and lash designing skill, when having eyes lashes at SOTERIAlash Worcester, we will ensure a natural looking result without compromising your desired style and volume. Combined with the finest quality eyelashes & bonding agents; adhering to the highest standards, alongside an excellent safety record.

We recommend having a scan of our Lash-Guide to gain a little insight about the options available. Additionally, It is always a great idea to select a few images of eyelash extensions that appeal to your tastes. If you are still unsure, or simply don’t know where to start, you can book a consultation appointment at SOTERIAlashes by easily Booking-Online to receive some expert advice and guidance.

In order of the most natural looking lash-styles, we rate Jinny-Style, and a close second our Classic-Style within the most natural styles, whilst SOTERIlashes signature lashes Soteria-Style proving equally popular for clients seeking a balance between a natural appearance & added volume.  A reasonably natural appearance is achievable with Hybrid-Style lashes, but to a lesser degree. Russian-Style lashes, are not normally considered a natural style of eyelash extensions, due to the techniques emphasis on maximum volume & fan dominated technique. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us via  Phone or Email,  we recommend booking a consultation if after reading our professional lash guide you still feel unsure which style you desire Book-Online

SOTERIAlash are suitable for clients who prefer the individual 1-1 method of the Classic-Style but desire more volume than a standard set. There needs to be enough natural eyelashes to accommodate more lashes in the first instance.  Popular with clients who enjoy a more voluminous style, who prefer not to have more than one lash extension attached to their natural lashes, as seen with other styles do e.g., Russian & Hybrid.

These remain our most popular style and work very well for clients with short lashes or wide eyes; they also look beautiful for weddings or special occasions- see our Bridal Packages While they’re beautifully full of volume, they still have a natural finish; are a great investment because after those special occasions SOTERIAlashes are suitable for day-to-day wear. Including active lifestyles e.g., exercising in the gym. Typically, up to 100 individual lashes are attached per eye (varies on the quantity of natural lashes). In simple terms, Soteria-Style is the same as standard Classic-Style individual extensions, but much fuller, typically with thicker lashes used.

Hybrid eyelash extensions offer volume with a texturized finish, without weighing down your natural lashes. Using a technique popular with celebrities Inc. Kim-K, they are essentially applied by combining Russian & Individual lashes into one set. This enables the volume and fluffy look of Russian lashes merged with the wispy finish of longer individual lashes staggered throughout, adding depth and texture. Having longer lashes staggered throughout results in natural movement & texture, not possible with Russian Lash-Style, which are more rigid & dense.

There are different options for the staggered placment of long lashes in Hybrid style e.g., longer in the middle i.e., ‘the doll look’. Hybrid style is much fuller than Classic lashes Inc. SOTERIAlash, without the heavy appearance of Russian-Style. Hybrid sets may be more suitable for clients who dream of luscious volume, but feel apprehensive about overdoing it, allowing you to sample a similar yet lighter style first.  Sometimes we recommend Hybrid for clients who have gaps in their lashes or naturally have sparse lashes, as the fans are fantastic at covering these creating a fuller lash line.

Volume lashes, contrary to belief, are in fact great for very short or sparse eyelashes, because the fans are spread out to cover any gaps or sparse areas. They are very fine, fluffy, lightweight lashes, that result in a beautifully voluminous finish. SOTERIA only use the finest faux mink lashes to add volume, alongside our skilled technique to create beautiful eyelashes. If your attracted to Russian lashes, but feel apprehensive about compromising a natural appearance, we advise to try 2D or 3D (maximum) fans i.e., 2-3 lashes per fan. Russian lashes really are very versatile by adjusting the 3D effect (or the number of lashes per fan), ranging from natural looking to a dramatic finish

Following your online booking, the first step is a consultation, an essential component prior to any treatments; where we will explore any history of allergies to assess your suitability for the treatment. The next step for clients suited to eyelash-extensions, is a chat about lash-styles, length, materials etc.  Some prospective clients like to bring us some pictures for reference to during the consultation. We then discuss the after immediate after-care for your new lashes and refer you to our online after-care advice section The consultation normally takes approximately 15 mins. Results are seen immediately after the treatment; however true comfort can only be assessed after you wash your lashes for the first time

Before arriving for your appointment:

  1. Remove eye-makeup before your appointment using an oil-free cleanser, residual makeup interferes with proper application of the extensions. Please avoid any oil-based products!
  2. Do not apply face creams or sunblock in the eye area after cleansing, oil prevents eyelash adhesive from bonding properly, reducing the longevity of your lashes.
  3. Removing mascara can be very time-consuming, please arrive earlier if you cannot remove it in advance.
  4. Don’t curl your lashes before your appointment, it interferes with lashes bonding properly to your natural lashes.

To learn more visit our Before & Aftercare 

There is no down time required following eyelash-extensions treatment. However, we advise to avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, sunbeds, steam rooms, hot baths or power showers – for 24 hours after your appointment.

Follow our tips below, to ensure your lashes last as long as possible:

  1. Be gentle with your lashes — no rubbing, pulling, sweat generating activities or steam for 24 hours.
  2. Avoid wetting your lashes in the first 24 hours, if you experience any discomfort, you can splash them with cold water + dab gently dry.
  3. Avoid oily products inc. oil-based sunscreen, or mascara around your lashes.
  4. If you insist on mascara, only use water-based mascara but do not apply any mascara directly onto the roots. Do not use mascara at all on Hybrid or Russian lash-extensions, because this can cause them to stick together.
  5. To cleanse your lashes, we recommend a foaming ‘wash off’ cleanser (oil-free)
  6. This may sound obvious, but please no lash curlers, lash-perms or any other chemical treatments around your lashes.
  7. Avoid laying directly on your eyelashes at bedtime.
  8. Do not pull on your lashes – If you feel your struggling to tolerate them, try wash them a couple of times, as this helps alleviate any stiff or heavy sensation. However, if you still feel uncomfortable – contact us to have them removed without charge.
  9. Brush your lashes daily to keep them tangle-free with a lash brush.
  10. Maintain your extensions with regular appointments.

Use a light foaming cleanser to clean your new lashes, since they are gentle at removing makeup & dead skin-cells, preventing a build-up of germs, improving the longevity of your lashes

  • Fortunately, water or getting your lashes wet not one of the things that you need to avoid. Once the adhesive has properly cured (or settled), eyelash extensions become predominantly waterproof. Many clients seem to think because the aftercare instructions state ‘not to wet your eyelashes for 24 hours’, means not wash them.
  • This is certainly not the case – you do need to get the lashes wet regularly, in order to clean them.  An appropriate cleansing regime minimises any risks of irritation and infections, whilst keeping your lashes to lasting as long, as possible. Unfortunately, insufficient cleaning of both your lashes & eyelids can reduce your eyelashes retention time.
  • Another risk of not adhering to sufficient lash + eyelid hygiene, is developing an inflamed sore eyelid known as ‘Blepharitis’ – where the eyelids become red, sore, and irritated. Blepharitis, results from the accumulation of dead skin cells around the lash-line causing itchiness, and in turn scratching, leading to cracking on the skins surface attracting bacteria. This in turn, leads to increased redness and inflammation.
  • The resultant infection is generally low-grade and easily treated with over-the-counter eyes drops and topical creams. However, at first sight it may seem alarming, particularly if you think your experiencing an allergic reaction. Fortunately, with proper lash-extensions cleansing + an OTC treatment the symptoms subside.


  1. Remove all eye-makeup using an oil free makeup remover. If taking off eyeliner, use a cotton bud tip dipped in makeup-remover, and wipe this across your lid, not towards your eyelashes. Avoid cotton-pads because they shed too much cotton which sticks to your lash-extensions.
  2. To make the cleansing process easier, we advise first removing foundation and lipstick, prior to washing your eyes, ensuring to avoid oily products
  3. Wet your eyes with lukewarm water, then lather together in your hands, a little water + eyelash extension cleansing foam (gel facewash can work too e.g., Simple facewash). Without rubbing or pulling your lashes, add the lather to your lashes, gently stroking them in a downwards position (best with a soft brush for lashes or unused blusher brush), go from left to right (spend approx. 10 seconds on each eye).
  4. Now you are ready rinse off the foam wash, ensuring to rinse away the foam well. Proceed to gently dab your lashes dry.
  5. Use your lashes are completely dry, starting at the tip of the lashes and using an eyelash-brush…very gently brush and separating them.

You should wash your lashes at least 3 times per week to prevent the risk of blepharitis.

It is essential to avoid swimming for at least 24-hours after your lashes have been applied. After this, you can go swimming, but we recommend strongly to wear eye goggles. This is because prolonged water exposure can soften the bonding adhesive and cause your roots to become sticky, which will harden again, but may prove difficult to separate each eyelash afterwards.

Yes, it is very important to wash your lashes, and getting them wet is not an issue within reason, as the adhesive is waterproof. However, it is imperative to be aware this does not apply to prolonged soaking e.g., swimming/ bathing, which is not great for maintaining the structural bonds of the eyelash-adhesive. Power showers can be a little too powerful for eyelash extensions, disrupting their shape, we suggest not to position your eyes directly beneath them; instead use your hands to splash the water into your eyes.

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