Healthy Skin Tips
Promotes natural moisture, strengthening and firming the skins outer layers. Whilst, stimulating the production of proteins essential for skin. Deficiencies, can lead to premature aging, sun damage and/or pigmentation.
Aids normal collagen production needed to support healthy skin structure. Minimises premature ageing, protecting against UV rays & hyperpigmentation. Leaves skin plumper with a radiant glow.
Produced by plants, our richest sources Inc. nuts, spinach, olive & sunflower oil. It helps protect our skin from oxidative stress, and against the effects of premature ageing. Whilst improving the appearance of skin imperfections.
An important protein, essential for healthy skin; blood, cartilage, muscles, and ligaments. Specifically required for healthy skin structure, composed of elasticity & plumpness, for a more youthful and firm appearance.
Maintains skin’s elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, whilst flushing out toxins, and reducing breakouts. Optimum (daily) levels of water are between 5-8 glasses daily, with increased hydration needs during strenuous exertion.
As well as maintaining a healthy nervous system, B-Vitamins keep our skin & hair healthy E.g., B2 (Riboflavin), B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folate ), and B12. Sources Inc. meat, fish, eggs, dairy, leafy veg, wholegrains + supplements.
Deficiencies disrupt calcium absorption, leading to weakened bones e.g., osteomalacia or osteoporosis. We make 90% in an inactive form, that requires sunlight to convert to the active form i.e., calcitriol.
The body’s second most abundant mineral, second only to iron, that is important for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates & proteins. An essential mineral for healthy bones, hair, skin, nails & healthy immune system.
Reduces oxidative damage to skin-cells by neutralizing free radicals, and helping to protect against damaging UV rays from the sun, and from air pollution. Keeping your skin healthier, and reducing the risk of premature skin-ageing
Boosts circulation e.g., aerobics, running, cycling, or brisk walking. Delivering nutrients quicker directly to the skin; perspiration aids the removal of congesting toxins. Aiding a good nights sleep, essential for healthy skin, body and mind.