Research has evidenced that biological factors play a role in the development of many MH disorders
Research has evidenced that biological factors play a role in the development of many MH disorders
Biochemical, endocrine, immunological, neurophysiological and epigenetic pathways interact at a psychoneurological level with psychosocial-emotional sensory input. Moreover, research has evidenced that psychological or emotional trauma can manifest biologically through cognitive-physiological feedback mechanisms that lead to an inflammatory state with visible signs on our skin – referred to as psychodermatology.
BBPS is a social enterprise that bridges the gap between scientific research and mental health with an emphasis on biopsychosocial wellbeing, within a welcoming environment where members receive respect, equality, compassion and support.
Motivated by a passion to break down barriers in MH through our dedicated team, we support members to rebuild their life – BBPS
BBPS provides supportive webinars, and courses to help you to better understand, and to find ways to work towards overcoming mental illness.